Ladies' Buccaneer Beauty Ladies' Buccaneer Beauty

Ladies' Buccaneer Beauty


Ladies' Buccaneer Beauty Pirate Fancy Dress Costume

Find that buried treasure and impress those pirates at your next themed pirate when you walk in looking hotter than Keira Knightley in the pirates of the caribbean in this Ladies' Buccaneer Beauty Pirate fancy dress costume. Features a tight fitting brown bodice top with a lace up front, a pair of white sleeves, a brown striped ragged hemline skirt with a red waist sash to tie around the hips and a head tie to complete the pirate costume.

Great for a pirate themed fancy dress party!


Brown Bodice Top with lace up front

Ragged Edge Skirt

Red Waist Sash

Red Head Tie

White Sleeves

Please note packaging will show USA sizing.