Halloween Cat Balloon Bouquet 6ct

Halloween Cat Balloon Bouquet 6ct


Create the purrfect look for your kid's Halloween party with this Halloween Cat Balloon Bouquet. This balloon bouquet features two orange balloons with black cat head graphics, one pink balloon with gold ""hocus pocus,"" one gold balloon, one pink with gold moons and stars, and one white with gold moons and stars. Use this latex balloon bouquet on its own or add a mylar balloon to create a unique arrangement. So whether you're throwing a classroom Halloween party, a kid's Halloween birthday party, or getting ready for trick-or-treaters, this cat balloon bouquet is a spooky cute addition to your .

Item Details:

  • Six 11in balloons
  • Latex
  • Balloons ship flat and uninflated
  • Suitable for air or helium inflation
  • Air-filled balloons will not float
  • Not suitable for children under 3